Personal Coaching



If you are looking to lose weight, manage your stress, reduce your unhealthy addictions, or learn how to cook, then I am your girl. If you are interested in learning about the benefits of a plant based diet, are trying to eat healthier, or simply looking to find vitality in your life, I am here for you. I love people. I love teaching. And I love food!

Hi, I am Aleksandra, Olenko in Polish. I am a health and wellness coach, intuitive chef, multimedia artist, and art and wellness educator. I am not your traditional coach. I am fun, very creative, heart-centered, and compassionate Polish Girl, who lives in NY. I will be so happy to assist you on your path to health and wellness.

A long time ago, I realized that there is no one perfect diet or solution for all. We all come from many backgrounds and cultures, with many different experiences. Outside we may look different, but at the core of our souls we are the same. We all feel pain, hurt, sadness, and heartbreak. We are all looking for love, inner peace, prosperity, family, friends, and fun. Unfortunately, most of us live busy lives, are stressed out, work long hours, and always rush.

Finding optimum health is a process. Breathe. Relax. Just be. Give yourself permission to go for a walk, spend time in nature, and simply be happy and free. If you are looking for a joyful life, you have found the right place.  If what you are reading resinates with you, it would be my pleasure to work with you.


I am very happy to help you find your voice and path to wellness, harmony, life, vitality, and joy. I will teach you how to create nutritious food art, that will reduce your food cravings. I will educate you about the benefits of raw food, a plant-based diet, and holistic living. I will show you how to transform your lifestyle, reduce stress, improve sleeping habits, and how to exercise and practice yoga. Through the creative process, I will show you how to find your true, perfect self. We will open new and exciting doors and renew your sense of wellbeing, improve your self love, self esteem, and help you find your physical and mental balance.

Expertise in therapeutic essential oils is one of my specialties. I  have been studying the mental and physical aspects of essential oils on the body and mind for the past decade.

The essence of my coaching is based on spirituality and a healthy, plant based diet.  You will receive an  understanding of how food affects our body, mind, and soul. I combine art, music, spirituality, dance, creativity, food, and nature into my coaching sessions. I truly believe that art is life, and we are all students in one big classroom called Planet Earth. In my coaching I use many different techniques and will create custom made programs for you and your family. My goal is to help you find your inner peace, feel great and healthy, and to live your life to the fullest with passion and love.

If you are interested in scheduling a coaching session please contact me.


*Personal Coaching and pricing is scheduled exclusively by appointment. Coaching is available in person, over the phone, Skype, or e-mail.
