Thanksgiving Veggie Platter with Bean Dip

Published : Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving in a raw vegan style from Olenko’s Kitchen!

This is the only turkey I will eat- veggie turkey, lol!

I was asked this Thanksgiving to bring some kind of veggie platter for the Thanksgiving dinner. So I made this cute turkey and yummy bean dip to go along with it. It was a huge hit! Try it for your next holiday gathering. You can arrange the veggies in a shape that you like; such as rainbow, Christmas tree or a flower. Just use organic veggies like cucumbers, celery, greens, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, zucchini, etc, and create a shape that you like on a big flat serving plate.

 Bean Dip with Red Pepper 

3-4 cups of cooked Lima beans

1 fresh red pepper

1 cup raw walnuts

1 cup raw cashews

1 avocado

1-2 cloves of garlic

fresh parsley to taste

Celtic salt to taste

black pepper to taste

cayenne peper to taste

1-2 cups pure water

Mixed everything in the Vitamix or high speed blender until smooth. You can substitute red pepper  with other peppers, or with tomatoes, or sun dried tomatoes. You can add 1-2 TBS of olive oil if you want a flavor similar to hummus.

Chill in the fridge and enjoy.

*For other cool dip colors you can add cooked beets for red color, cooked carrots for orange color, or green spinach for green color, or blue spirulina powder for blue color. Possibilities are endless!




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